Friday 6 November 2015


Have you ever felt like things are working as opposed to your prayers? Like God is actually answering you in a way you didn’t want? Be it financially, spiritually or even things to do with how you relate with people? Well, I have! In all those areas, but today I will deal with relationships. Many are the times I have prayed people away. Oh don’t give me that look! I am being real here. You know the prayers that go something like;

“Dear God, if so and so are not meant to be part of my life or will make me not fulfill my purpose or make me stagnate, please get ‘em out of my life in Jesus Name. As far as the east is from the west, just remove them. And if there were any feelings, Lord you give us the feelings so please remove them as well. Thank You Lord for doing it. Amen!”

 Some go as if they’ve been blown by the East wind and that’s it. You just don’t hear from them and life moves on like they never existed! This is the point I thank God and I get so excited because now there will be no time wasting, no delays and stagnation in regards to what I was called to do.

Then there are those who like an irritating flu, take time to go. They will still be part of you but then with time, the connection breaks and you only remember them once in a while. True, everyone has a role in your life but then, some people are not meant to go the whole nine yards with you. So when their role in your life ends, you adjust to the new casts, just like seasons do come and go.

Funny that there are some whom we believe are meant to be part of us so we never pray them away, but situations do push them away! You know the ones you are sure they’ll always be there for you, and to you they are the true definition of a friend, only for storms to come and they go with the storm? Such is life and God always finds a way to remove them from the next episodes of your life.

I am not done yet because this last lot is what makes me look to the heavens and ask God “Really God? Really?” You see, these are the ones you’ve been with for some time but it reaches a point and you feel like you’re the only one in the friendship, so you pull away and combine that with the prayer I mentioned earlier. You put a smile on your face knowing Daddy in Heaven has answered, only for Him to do something that will require you to connect with the said person! Like Jonah, you try get an excuse to run away; you remind God of the many vessels He has, so He can choose from the rest to pass the message; You tell yourself that it’s not pride but it’s about your destiny and God should understand! But No!  1Sam 15:22 rings in your head that Obedience is better than sacrifice! You do it and after you’re done, deep down you feel like God is asking you whether it has changed or taken anything away from you for simply obeying!

God made me understand this scenario using the story of Elijah! See, Elijah was a mighty prophet who could command the skies to hold and release rain and they oblige; he called fire from heaven, raised the dead but the day Jezebel attacked, Elijah asked God to kill him! God sent angels instead! You see, sometimes our prayers are not answered because they are not in the will of God! The rain and fire were in the will of God, but death wasn’t! We all know Elijah never tasted death in as much as he prayed for it. God had prepared an express chariot to heaven for him. That was God’s will for Elijah! So to relate my context of praying people away; Some will go because that was God’s will for your life, and the last lot, no matter how hard you pray them away yet it is God’s will to have them in your life for a reason best known to Him, you will be praying amiss and they will remain!

Child of God, will you obey and allow God’s will, or will you “fight” with His will because of  what you believe is best for you? Let’s choose to rest in Him and allow His will to prevail because after all, we can only be safe in Him. Yes, rest and let everything take its course according to His will.


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