Friday 6 March 2015


There are times when you just sit and reflect on your life. Times you steer away from relationships, some friends and some places. And I had a 1 year hiatus from all that. Interestingly, it was fun knowing very well I am the kind of person that is used to have many people around me in all seasons. But this was different! I only realized later that some had just vanished in thin air and I no longer heard from them.

One day at a time sweet Jesus 
That's all I'm asking from you. 
Just give me the strength 
To do everyday what I have to do. 
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus 
And tomorrow may never be mine. 
Lord help me today, show me the way 
One day at a time. 

(One day at a time by Bill & Gloria Geither)

I would sing to myself and life as it were, continued. Then out of no where within a short span, I got to offers from two different guys. They both were so similar in that, the both wanted to share their lives with me. Great, right? But they were not born again.  Ever had the verse “Be thou not unequally yoked with unbelievers’’ (2Cor 6:14) play in your mind? This was that time. I chose to flip the coin..being married to either of them would mean, no more paying rent as each had his own house, (That means saving my money and doing something worthwhile with it), I would  have someone by my side every morning I woke up, I would dine with the who’s who in town, live in the leafy suburbs, drive my own E class and have everything at my disposal. Such thoughts can make you smile instantly, right? And so many things came to mind.. When Jesus said this is the straight and narrow I guess HE had this day in mind. And it was hard not to resist this offer.

Then I remembered how our Lord Jesus after fasting for 40days, the devil went and tempted HIM by showing HIM the kingdoms of the world and their splendor etc n how he would give them to Jesus if HE just worshipped him?! Oh Get behind me satan!

I believe many are the times we find ourselves in such situations, where the deal seems too good to be true and the deals come at a point where you really needed such in your life. Life is what you make it. You can choose to go for it or let it go! God gave us free will and the Holy Spirit being a Gentle Spirit, won’t force you on what to do or what not to do. It’s so easy to fall in that trap but then the bible says, cursed is the one who puts his trust in man (Jer 17:5). 

Who do you look up to in times of trouble? Who do you cry to when your marriage is breaking down? Who do you first think of when your house is about to be shut? Who do you run to when your children have been sent home for fees? Is it Jehovah Jireh or “Man jireh’’? He is the same God who fed the Israelites with manna from heaven, the one who fed Prophet Elijah through a Raven. What is too hard for him to handle? Will you sell your soul to the devil for earthly pleasures and risk losing on having eternal life?

Yes the conditions are tough, yes you want that good life, and the Father who has written your name in the palms of His hands is aware. He created you, so he is aware. He lives inside of you so HE is not a stranger. Trust all your cares to HIM, be not unequally yoked or risk being yoked forever. If HE gave you HIS Only Son, what can’t HE give you? Yes you have prayed and fasted; you have sowed seeds, but just put your trust in HIM. Wait a little while, hold on a bit longer, for HE makes all things beautiful in HIS own time. Delay is not denial and HE will surely come through for you.

May you allow HIM to always order your steps, Be a Lamp unto your feet and a Light unto your paths. That on the Day of Judgment, HE may say, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. 


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