Monday 11 May 2015


Friends come and go, so they say...But others come and remain in your life . Some may talk to you in their free time, others will free their time to talk to you, while others will not talk unless you initiate a conversation. To some, your absence doesn't alter their life, while to others, your presence means alot in their lives. Some may only remember you when they are in need, then you become like vapour in the wind once they get what they want; While others will stick by your side in all seasons. We all get to that point in life when we feel we are all alone, when friends seem too distant and those you care about seem not to care. Such is life...
How much do you value the people God has allowed to cross your path? Do you first gauge what you will get from them? Do you look at their outward appearance, their educational background, the car they drive or their financial status before you value them? I have ever been in such a situation, where I didn't "fit" the picture some people had and it wasn't an easy thing. But years down the line, God has made me into the person HE purposed me to be (and is still working on/in me) and I have seen the same people now coming back. When you understand the value of something or someone it determines how you handle or treat them.

Gen 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Joseph in the bible didn't look like he could amount to anything, leave alone a Prime Minister; Esther was an orphan who no one could see the queen in her; Rahab was a prostitute and who could tell she will be in the lineage of our Saviour? David was just a shepherd who could take care of sheep and not a nation as a King; The great apostles were just mere fishermen and well Jesus was just a carpenters' son. All  these had no visible mark on them as to what they would become so I can imagine the people who looked down on them when they were in their low state, and how they felt now that God had elevated them. 

Do you value your friends? We have Jesus who laid down His life for us. Would you go an extra mile for someone without expecting anything in return? What if that is the person who's carrying your blessing? When you have a high value for people, you are careful with what you do and say to them or about them just in-case you loose them. Someone who doesn't value you won't mind losing you. When one takes you for granted, like the great people in the Bible, put your head up and do what you do best. Sometimes it will mean to move on because it's better to be where you are accepted than where you are being tolerated. Know your worth and make new friends, because unlike family, we can choose our friends.

My Prayer is that God may give you the right friends who will see beyond your appearance,your faults and inspire you to become a better you.Friends who will be with you through thick and thin and value you because you are Christ's image; as you become that kind of friend to them too in Jesus Name.


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