Monday 14 September 2015


You may have been there for people in your life, but realize that they are not there for you as you would expect. That friend who shows up in your life only when they are broke; Then the other who remembers you only when their marriage is rocky so you can pray with them; Remember the one you prayed for their relationship and when things turned out well they never told you, only to show up when they hit a rough patch again and needed your advice? Then the other who in their lowest moment, you interceded for them and always sent a word of encouragement and when they overcame you became a ‘bother’ in their life? What about the ones you cared to know how they were but they cared less? Remember the one who woke you up at 3am because things weren't working out well in their lives and you had to stay awake for hours to encourage and pray with them? And when they got their breakthrough you ceased to exist? Then the other who was on the verge of their house being shut and you had to borrow money so you could bail them out but they are never there for you?

We have all had such moments in life. Today as I came from prayers, I thought about this and was asking God whether one should stop being overly concerned about people’s welfare and stop caring because it does hurt at some point. For what does one do when you are at your lowest and there’s no one there for you; The time you feel so lonely yet you have many friends? When you need to share with someone what you’re going through but they are all busy? Or when you need someone to care for you like you care about them and it’s not happening? That time, the Only one you turn to is Christ.

Prov 18:24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, But there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother.(NIV)

Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (NIV)

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."(NIV) 

Ps 118:8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.(NIV)

Those verses came to my mind and I heard this in me and may it be yours as well:

“Put not your trust in men. Do not desist from doing good, for I the Father in heaven knows your heart. I made you that way, so don’t change because of people. I knew why I created you that way and I knew those times would come. I knew when it comes, you will run to Me for I sent you to comfort that soul, to encourage and to be of help. Wasn’t My son crucified yet He had friends? Didn’t He remain alone in the garden in agony? Didn’t the disciples scatter when He needed them most? Wasn’t He denied by those He cherished? But He stood up for ME and did what I sent Him to do. My child, be of good cheer, whatever you have sown, you will reap in good measure. You will be cared for, you will have people stand by you and show you care and love. Just as you showed others, a good measure will be poured into your bosom. I sent you, I will send them to you as well. Just be who I created you to be, hold on and I will do something new in your life. You are the apple of my eye, your pain is my pain, I see your tears, and I will wipe them. Keep standing for me and in due time, all this will be something of the past, for what I have in store for you, no eye has seen, no ear has heard. Keep on in me my child. Keep on.”

Child of God, continue doing good, God is smiling when you do, and in due time, you will understand why you had to go through some things. He’s got your back!


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