Wednesday 12 August 2015


This is where I come when I have stuff in my head. Ok. That’s partly not true, because I go to my other “online journal” and pour everything there before I come here. Makes life easier I believe. 

So child of God, have you ever woken up feeling like the whole weight of the world was put on your shoulders? Where you wake up because you have to? Now as someone who sometimes ministers in the church, it gets worse when you have to lead people in prayer that morning. How do you pray when your heart is so full and having an overflow of so many things? How do you even tell them let’s pray yet you feel like you just had an encounter with an oncoming train?

Rom 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

This verse came to mind, and I chose to allow Him to intercede, to pray in me for the sake of His people. The congregation is what actually matters for I can sort myself out once I’ve done His work. Yes He came, when I couldn’t utter some words, yes the people prayed and yes my spiritual authority told me God is doing something great in me. You see, in my own sight, I couldn’t ‘hack’ it today, I even wished someone could help me out and lead the prayers, but I have realized, when you can’t pray, go to where people are praying. God shows Himself strong in our weaknesses.

We all come to such a moment in life, when all we can do is just stay quiet and let Him do as He pleases. His will, and not our will to prevail. The greatest thing is that He has assured us that He is always there with us. He will never leave nor forsake us. In the high waters, He is there, in the raging fires, He still is there. God is not a man that He should lie. So child of God, no matter the circumstances you are facing, just rest at His feet and allow Him handle everything for you.


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