Friday 13 May 2016


Some time last year, I woke up as usual, and while in the bathroom, my leg just stiffened. I could feel it getting paralyzed from my toes to my feet and way up! I couldn’t do a single thing to stop it, so I stood there calling on God and started massaging it slowly until I felt it slowly going back to normal.

Night time became a time I never looked forward to, for my leg would get paralyzed as I slept and it was always hard to have to “carry” it up, so as to change my sleeping position. It would get better, but it was always like the moment I’d go take a shower, the process would repeat itself. It reached a point that I could tell that it’s about to get paralyzed and I would sit and massage it before it would get serious.

You may ask why I never went to hospital, but fact is I was too scared to even try. I never wanted to be told I was so sick or anything of the sort and hence I never shared with anyone.  I felt I wasn’t strong enough to face whatever the doctors would tell me. How it stopped, only God knows and I thank Him!

Many are the times we have the fear of the unknown. When you fear to know whether your sick parent is still in the ICU or not; Whether any person who cares about you is just after something else or not; Whether the step you want to take in regards to your purpose will work or not; whether the pregnancy test will come out negative again after trying for years; or even whether the person you are in a relationship with is really the one or not!

Prov 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

These are the times when your faith seems to have divorced you and you just need someone to tell you that things will be alright. That reassurance that God is still faithful and has good plans for you; That He’s going to do what He said He would do for you.

What about taking that bold step and leaving it all to God? Or yes going to that sick ward and speak life? What about just going for that test again or even allowing yourself to love again? God is faithful! If only we can put our trust in Him, then we will no longer be slaves to fear. Try Trusting Him today. No matter the situation, choose to look UP to the Author and Finisher of your faith!

Side Note: Today I've felt the pain in my leg again, after so long! I’ve felt it slowly going numb but one thing is I’m no longer afraid! As Michael W. Smith sung: Healing Rain is Falling Down...

God bless you as you take that bold step child of God!

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